Our hybrid course includes 30 hours of live training with personalized Bid Calling instruction, the UCC and Auction Law lecture, as well as a deep-dive into Auction set-up from start to finish. The remaining 50 hours are done independently via our online training platform.
Tuition: $1,790
*Receive a $100 discount if tuition is paid in full at least 14 days in advance of Live Course Portion
HYBRID Certified Auctioneer Training Course Outline
(30 instructional hours in classroom, 50 hours online)
Bid Calling (Classroom) Several course hours are spent covering bid calling, rhythm and chant development. Students also spend time getting comfortable with public speaking and learn about stage presence and voice control
Qualities of the Auctioneer (Online) Learn the expectations and responsibilities of the auctioneer. Students investigate the role of the auctioneer in the relationships with sellers and buyers.
Auction Processes (Online) We discuss the different auction types including consignment auctions, single seller auctions and auction houses and how to plan and manage each auction type. Students learn and discuss the process of planning and preparing different types of auctions and auction businesses.
Sales Prospecting (Online) Students gain salesmanship skills and learn about prospecting, soliciting & booking auctions
Contract Auctioneer and Ring Person Training (Classroom) Instructors discuss opportunities, responsibilities and expectations when working as a contract auctioneer or ring person.
Clerking and Cashiering (Online) Students receive training in clerking and cashiering an auction with both the hand method and clerking software.
Auction Law and Ethics (Classroom) Instructors discuss the legal and ethical responsibilities of the auctioneer.
Marketing (Online) Students learn various types of marketing used to advertise both auctions and their auction businesses.
Business Administration and Planning (Classroom) Instructors discuss the importance of business planning when starting a new business and the keys to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Auction Design (Classroom) Students are led through a step-by-step process of setting up an auction. Instructors lead students through the auction process from initial consultation to display to seller settlement.
Online Auctions (Online) We discuss and examine this rapidly growing segment of the auction industry.
Real Estate Auctions (Online) Instructors give students an in-depth evaluation of selling Real Estate at auction and how to make money in this field.
Fundraising Auctions (Online) This instruction in Benefit Auctioneering will give attendees all the basic cutting edge skills and techniques required to serve their clients from consultation to gala night.
Personal Property Appraisal for Auctioneers (Online) Factors affecting value, trends, functions of appraisal, identification, valuation, methodology, responsibility to client, legal aspects, research methods, standardized formats and record maintenance. Attendees will learn to customize a standardized appraisal format.