

Note: Continental Auctioneers School is not accredited by the US Department of Education or any other accrediting agency. Completion of our course will not earn credits that can be transferred to an accredited school or qualify the student for employment.

Admission policy

We comply with all the provisions of the civil rights act. No person will be excluded because of race, creed, sex, national origin, age, or handicap.  Neither a High School Diploma nor college degree is required to enter our school.


Students are expected to attend all classes. In the event of unavoidable one day or part of a day absence, the student must make up any work missed due to absence. Any absence or leave of absence must be approved by the school director. Any student who arrives late to the class must make up the work before and after class periods, or as required by the school director. Two (2) unexcused absences will be cause for termination. A student who must leave class due to an emergency may return at a later date and complete the course at no additional charge.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from the course resulting in a Certificate of Completion, students are required to attend all sessions and achieve a passing score (60% and above) on the final exam.

Entrance requirements

High school diploma or college education is not required to enter our school. Students should be able to speak English and understand the material to benefit from the course.  People with ordinary ability and a desire to become a qualified Auctioneer can complete the course.  No credit will be given or granted for any previous education or training.


A student may be asked to withdraw if his/her conduct is not acceptable.  Acceptable behavior is participating in all class work, whether oral or written. Students should maintain a positive attitude and put forth his/her best effort so that continual improvement is shown. Unacceptable conduct includes disruption of class, being tardy for class, inappropriate behavior, inappropriate dress, nonpayment of costs. Habitual tardiness will be considered unacceptable conduct. Four absences or insubordination to instructors will be considered unacceptable conduct and will be cause for termination.

Drug and Alcohol-Free Policy

Continental maintains a drug and alcohol-free learning atmosphere. Students and instructors must refrain from the use of alcohol and illegal drugs while school is in session or at school-sponsored activities. It is unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, or use a controlled substance or drug on any premises where courses are being conducted.

All students and instructors shall observe federal, state, and local laws regarding the sale and use of alcohol and drugs. The use by Continental students and instructors of a controlled substance that is not medically authorized is strictly prohibited. Students and instructors who violate the drug- and alcohol-free regulations within the institution’s jurisdiction or at any event controlled by Continental may be subject to, as applicable, discipline, suspension, expulsion, or employment termination. In addition, violating this policy (and concurrent law) may subject students and employees to criminal prosecution. Drug paraphernalia, particularly that containing drug residue, may be considered evidence of drug use. Documented violations of illegal possession, consumption, provision, or sale of narcotics or drugs, or possession of paraphernalia, may result in disciplinary sanctions from Continental and/or referral to law enforcement officials.

Continental Auctioneers School is available to assist students and faculty in finding resources for substance abuse prevention or drug and alcohol counseling as needed. These resources include

Iowa Department of Public Health Your Life Iowa


(855) 581-8111

Alcoholics Anonymous


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Alcohol & Your Health


Sexual Misconduct Policy

Continental Auctioneers School is committed to providing and maintaining a positive learning and working environment, that is free of any form of sexual abuse or assault, for all students, staff, faculty, and other members of the school community.

Individuals who violate this policy will be disciplined and potentially subjected to further corrective action up to and including termination or expulsion.  Students and Employees have option to notify appropriate law enforcement agencies, and the school will assist as requested. To initiate a criminal investigation, reports of sexual violence should be made to “911” or local law enforcement.

Continental administrators are responsible for assuring that effective measures are taken to implement this policy’s procedures. It is a violation of this policy for any member of the Continental community to engage in any form of sexual abuse or assault. It is a violation of this policy for any member of the Continental community to make an intentionally false accusation of sexual harassment. Any person who has been accused of sexual abuse or assault pursuant to the terms of this policy who retaliates against his or her accuser in any manner will be charged with violating this policy. Any member of the Continental community who is found in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate sanctions, which may include discharge or expulsion.

Resources for Sexual Abuse Counseling and Prevention

Resources for sexual abuse counseling and prevention can be found at:

Sexual Abuse Hotline: (800) 284-7821

Sexual Violence Prevention  


Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)

(800) 656 HOPE (4673)

Safety and Prevention


Center for Changing our Campus Culture

Victim Services/Advocates


Child Abuse Reporting

Any Continental instructor or associate located in Iowa who in the scope of the person’s employment responsibilities examines, attends, counsels or treats a child must report suspected physical or sexual abuse to the institution’s administration and to law enforcement.   Any report of suspected child physical or sexual abuse should be made as soon as possible, but within 48 hours, to the President or Director of Continental at (800) 373-2255 and the employee shall immediately make a report to local law enforcement.

Payment Method

We accept Cash, Personal or Company Check, Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

Refund Policy

The word student means the student, himself/herself if the student is the party to the contract, or the student’s parent or guardian or another person if the parent or guardian or other person is the party to the contract on behalf of the student. Each student will be notified in writing of his/her acceptance or rejection, and if rejected a full refund of all monies will be paid to the prospective student. Date of acceptance will be the date of delivery of the notice of acceptance, or if delivered by mail the postmarked date of the notice of acceptance. Not-withstanding anything to the contrary the school which does not utilize a written contract or enrollment agreement will refund all tuition, fees and other charges paid by the student if the student gives written notice of cancellation within five (5) business days after the day on which the student is accepted by the school regardless of whether the course of instruction has started. Notice of cancellation shall take place on the date the letter of cancellation is postmarked or when notice is given in person or by telephone, it shall occur on the date of delivery.

Should a student request cancellation after:

-The fifth (5) business day after the day the student is accepted, but before the first class will result in a refund of all    monies paid with the exception of the registration fee which is $100.00.

-Attendance has begun, but prior to 6 months from enrollment date OR 50% completion of the course, will result in a pro-rated refund computed on the number of hours completed to the total course, minus the registration fee.

-Completing 50% of the course OR a refund request more than 6 months after enrollment date of the course will result in no refund.

The school shall acknowledge in writing a valid notice of cancellation within ten (10) business days after the receipt of such notice, and within thirty (30) business days shall refund to the student any amounts due. The school cannot make its refund   policy conditional upon compliance with the school’s regulations and rules of conduct.

Military Deployment

For any student who is a member, or the spouse of a member if the member has a dependent child, of the Iowa National Guard or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to national guard duty or federal active duty, Continental offers the following options for course completion or tuition refund:
-The student may withdraw from their entire registration and receive a full refund of tuition and fees.

-The student may make arrangements with the school Director to attend any missed course hours at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the student’s registration shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for the courses in full. Any course hours for which arrangements cannot be made for incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the course refunded.

Student Records

Student records will be maintained for a period of no less than seven (7) years and accessible to students at our business office located at 2409 Highway 9, Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424. Students can request records in person, by phone, by mail or through email at info@auctioneerschool.com.

Student Complaints

Students wishing to obtain additional information regarding Continental Auctioneers School or to file a complaint may contact:

Iowa College Student Aid Commission